“Mediation” is a fictional story produced by using social memory, sexuality, gender roles, and the place of religion at these roles. The story draws a relationship between a husband and a wife with sadomasochist roots in a religious ground. It is without regard to time and space.
The story which I started by looking at a house in a small village I visited once upon a time is about a girl who grows up in an extremely conservative and religious family. After her marriage, she reckoned with her past, and her relationship with her husband transform.

In addition to the domination of religion on gender; the story reflects the unteachable, un-transferable, emotional, and sexual states of the human condition. Søren Kierkegaard’s term “Mediation” helps to cap and complete the state of vagueness imposed concepts of intertwined relationships, progress and dependence.
The story consists of a 24-page fictional literary story and photographs. The photographs consist of images of family archives, visuals that symbolize tension, and photo shootings in a village kept in secret. The reason for keeping the location of the village secret is the fact that the story is not specific to any geography or period, and similar stories are happening in many different cultures.

Installation images from 'Poligon “The Shooting Gallery”'