Taken by Nina Berfelde, Berlin

Taken by Nina Berfelde, Berlin

Taken by Saadet Çömlekçioglu, Ankara

Taken by Nina Berfelde, Berlin

Taken by İpek Çınar, Ankara
Müdahale ve Mücadele (Intervention and Struggle) emerged as a rebellion against Turkey’s decree to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention. Istanbul Convention is a human rights convention of the Council of Europe to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence. The convention covers all women from any background, regardless of age, race, religion, social origin, migrant status or sexual orientation. It has been signed by 39 states so far, with Turkey being the first signatory.
During this intervention, artists, activists and Turkey-based immigrants placed 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm “Die Istanbul Konvention Rettet Leben!” stickers on products in supermarkets, drugstores and public spaces. The main goal of the project was to create an unexpected encounter with people and to transform a daily product into a campaign tool and leak the houses of families.
Here you can download Istanbul Convention leaflet in various languages: https://www.coe.int/en/web/istanbul-convention/leaflets1

Taken by Mercan Baş, Ankara
Taken by Nina Berfelde, Berlin
I have tried to share the 3000 stickers I printed with anyone who wants to participate in the intervention. I also prepared a guide on how to order new stickers within Germany. The reason I prepared this guide was to show how easy it is to print them. I thought this guide would encourage people to order new stickers.
When I came back to Turkey, I prepared a similar document describing how to get prints in Ankara.
The sticker designs are open-source. You can download them from here in English, Turkish, German and Czech.
Many thanks to Yasemin Köker and Kristina Leko.

Taken by İpek Çınar, Safranbolu

Taken by Derya Yıldız, Berlin

Taken by İpek Çınar, Amasra
Taken by İpek Çınar, Berlin

Taken by Sojin Kim, Berlin

Taken by Delal Şeker, Ankara
Some press info:
Taken by alyaumtv قناة اليوم (in Arabic)

Published by Çatlak Zemin Feminist Platform (in Turkish)